Vronique Goulet at the Institut de Veille Sanitaire in Canada

Leukemia patients at greatest risk of listeriosis

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) People with certain conditions, including leukemia, other cancers and canada goose clearance sale pregnancy, are at the canada goose black friday sale greatest risk of getting sick from uk canada goose the food borne bacterium Listeria, French researchers report in a buy canada goose jacket new study.

Doctors and public health officials have known that these conditions make people canada goose uk outlet more vulnerable to listeriosis, but this study is the cheap Canada Goose first to rank the size of the risk for people with each condition.

The results help focus risk communication for the medical community, said Ramon Guevara, an epidemiologist for the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, https://www.canadagoosetomall.com who was not canada goose coats on sale involved in the study.

you do have an outbreak you want to say who are the canada goose store high risk people, he added.

Earlier this year, 30 people died in the Unites States in cheap canada goose uk an canada goose outbreak of listeriosis, spread by contaminated cantaloupe.

Deli meat, raw cheese, produce and smoked seafood are also thought to potentially harbor Listeria, but it uncommon that people actually get Canada Goose Black Friday sick from it.

The study looked at nearly 2,000 cases of listeriosis in France affecting 39 out of every 10 million people from Canada Goose Outlet 2001 Canada Goose Jackets to 2008. Vronique Goulet at the Institut de Veille Sanitaire in Canada Goose sale Saint Maurice wrote in an email to Reuters Health.

More than 400 canadian goose jacket of the 2,000 people who developed listeriosis died.

None of the cases involved an outbreak.

About Canada Goose Parka one in six of the listeriosis canada goose coats cases in France uk canada goose outlet affected pregnant women.

Among the remaining cases, canada goose clearance 65 percent buy canada goose jacket cheap of the people involved had an canada goose uk black friday underlying health condition, and 41 percent were undergoing treatment that suppressed their immune systems.

Goulet and her team determined that people with chronic lymphocytic leukemia were at the greatest risk of Canada Goose Online developing listeriosis more than 1,000 times higher than Canada Goose Coats On Sale the general French population.

Fifty five out of every 100,000 people with this leukemia developed listeriosis.

People with other cancers, such as myeloma, lymphoma, and esophageal and liver cancers, were also at a much higher risk of getting sick from Listeria, as were people undergoing dialysis.

Anywhere from 13 to 17 out of every 100,000 people with one of these conditions fell ill with listeriosis, according to findings published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

In addition, keep the refrigerator colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit, thoroughly cook meat and toss freshly sliced deli meats after three to five days.

Depending on the level of risk, Goulet said, some people should avoid eating certain foods, but it not necessary for everyone.

example, as canada goose factory sale the incidence is very low in the elderly canada goose uk shop population with no concomitant underlying Canada Goose online disease, it is perhaps not advisable to make general recommendations such as to avoid eating deli meat or cheeses such as feta or camembert, or smoked fish, Goulet wrote.

The cantaloupe outbreak earlier this year, which was one of the most deadly food borne outbreaks in the United States, was traced back to unsanitary conditions at a packing plant in Colorado.

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