This is partially due to areas that would have connected the

Bad Boss: Hartman is an unforgiving sergeant who goes around insulting, punching, punishing, and yelling at his recruits, would be soldiers he intends to weed out. Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Or rather having a blanket party thrown on you makes you evil. Bigger Is Better in Bed: Inverted. A Vietnamese prostitute does not want to have sex with 8 Ball, a black Marine, at first because he is „too beaucoup.” Big Damn Heroes: Rafterman shooting the VC sniper when the sniper has Joker pinned. Big „NO!”: Joker lets one out right before Pyle commits suicide. Bittersweet Ending: The war ain’t over yet, and Joker’s got a whole lot more hell in store for him, he’s in a world of shit, but he’s not afraid and he’s happy to be alive. the jewel of Southeast Asia. I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture. and kill them. Considering these lines come between the time in the film when he shows obvious offense over the door gunner on the helicopter murdering fleeing innocents in cold blood for sport and when he wants to put a suffering enemy out of her misery rather than let her die a slow and painful death, it’s much more likely to be social commentary pointing out said inhumanity than his actual feelings on why he joined the military. Joker isn’t a Blood Knight, he’s a Warrior Poet.

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