The prince toured the community’s rebuilt boardwalk

A weakening Sandy, the hurricane turned fearsome superstorm, killed at least 50 people, many hit by falling trees, and still wasn t finished. It inched inland across Pennsylvania, ready to bank toward western New York to dump more of its water and likely cause more havoc Tuesday night. Behind it: a dazed, inundated New York City, a waterlogged Atlantic Coast and a moonscape of disarray and debris from unmoored shore town boardwalks to submerged mass transit systems to delicate presidential politics..

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Fought a long battle for 18 months. It just a tragic story with the three little ones under 5, said McNair Principal Eileen Macfarlane. Kelly began teaching at McNair in fall 2006 and previously taught at Dr. Union County Prosecutor Grace Park said Ahmad Khan Rahami was shot in the leg. She says that two officers injured in the shootout have noncritical injuries.A law enforcement official says they plan to look into whether any other associates had a role or knowledge.Linden police Capt. James Sarnicki says one officer was shot in his bulletproof vest and another was grazed by a bullet that Rahami fired into his car.A law enforcement official says investigators regard Ahmad Khan Rahami as the guy behind explosions in New York City and New Jersey but plan to look into whether any other associates had a role or knowledge.The official says investigators are not seeing connection between the explosions and a separate stabbing attack at a mall in Minnesota.

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