Substituting Alcohol For Tea – Different Types Of Tea

<p>Many people are deciding, for various reasons, that they should give up drinking alcohol. Tea is becoming <a href="" target="_blank" ></a> increasingly popular as a substitute due to the natural health benefits that it provides. Like the fact that all wines come from grapes, all teas come from the Camellia Sinensis plant or a genus of this plant.
There are however six different types in total- white, yellow, green, oolong, black and pu-er. These are all made from the same bush but depending on where it in the world the bush has been grown, how the leaves are processed after picking, and the time of year they are picked these factors all affect the final type of tea produced and it’s flavour.
The most commonly known tea drunk in the west is black. Black tea is the least healthy of all the different types as it undergoes the most processing. Fresh leaves are rolled to break the surface, exposing the leaf and its enzymes to air, which then begins an oxidization process. These leaves are left to fully oxidize, or turn black, hence the name black tea.
What is becoming increasingly popular is green tea. Drunk for centuries in the east, it <a href="" target="_blank" ></a> is only recently that research institutions in the west have begun to conduct studies proving that the high concentrations of antioxidants and catechins, especially EGCG (epicgallocatechin gallate), can provide wide ranging health benefits including loosing weight, helping with addictions, fighting cancer and reducing stress and anxiety. Green leaves are picked and then steamed to prevent oxidization, thus they retain their green colour, and all these health benefitting properties too. Matcha tea is powdered green tea. This is the tea used in the Japanese Tea Ceremony. As the whole, powdered leaf is whisked into water, you consume the leaf and therefore much more of the green tea benefit too.
Perhaps this is one reason why many are offering alcoholics tea as an alternative?
Many people however find that they don’t particularly enjoy the taste of green tea. Often this is because it is brewed incorrectly; using water which is too hot which when used, unlike when brewing black tea, will create a bitter cup of tea. Fortunately there is a compromise – oolong tea. Oolong tea leaves are rolled to break the surface <a href="" target="_blank" >gta 5 hacks</a> which is then allowed to oxidize but not to 100%. Oolongs are typically oxidized anywhere from 18-80% and then either steamed or roasted to prevent further oxidization. The result is a tea which doesn’t have the grassy, sea weedy taste of green teas but are often much more subtle and flavoursome than black tea.
These are just three of the six different types of tea. No matter what you drink your tea from be it, cup, mug, gin cup , bell jar or tea pot why don’t you try exploring the different types of tea available.</p>