Self Independence And Soul Purpose Felt During Potential Client Conversations

Self Independence And Soul Purpose Felt During Potential Client Conversations

Carried upon the lingering feelings of this past Fourth of July, I think of Soul Purpose and our own sense of Spiritual Independence. Similar to our great nation of America, we have our own personal journeys towards independence, freedom, and the right to enjoy a passion filled existence. The knowledge of identifying, comprehending, and harnessing one’s Soul Purpose path can act as a tool to attain a greater sense of such freedom with confidence to live a life that we long to live.
As business owners, potential client conversations can sometime challenge our sense of Spiritual Independence, freedom with confidence, and our creative skills to “make the sale.” I have found that sometimes during such communications, a mistaken belief tells us that our potential client holds a key to our success and freedom to have our chosen life. From that mindset, both you and your potential client might feel a pressure, tension, and fear rather than a flow of enjoyment, wonder, and confidence within the sales process. In those moments, <a href="" target="_blank" >mortal kombat x hack ios</a> my suggestion is to step <a href="" target="_blank" >mortal kombat x hack tool</a> back and ground one’s self in what one knows about what Soul Purpose means to them and their spiritual understanding of the true source of their wellbeing and financial health.
When I remind myself of my Soul Purpose, I find a greater access to empowering emotions, creativity, inner peace, confidence, intuition, and discernment. I know that I may be asking a lot here! However, if you want that sense of freedom, independence, and flow, especially during potential client conversations, this mindset might be your winning formula!
Here are some questions to kick off your unique inner exploration:
• Where do you feel free and freedom in your personal and professional lives?
• Where do you feel imprisoned, trapped, shackled, and bogged down?
• What still hurts in your life?
• How would greater freedom feel?
• What would greater freedom look like?
• What does Spiritual Independence mean to you?
• What is your current understanding of your Soul Purpose?
• What persists that is still missing in your business?
• What are those areas of your personal life and in your business where you want to experience greater freedom?
• What would Spiritual Independence feel like particularly while speaking with potential clients and customers?
• What are those haunting, obsolete, and ineffective circumstances, behaviors, or systems in your business and personal life where you have been crying out for freedom from your discomforts?
Once you have your answers to these questions, plan on realistic ways that you can take steps… even baby steps… to begin to resolve where you feel imprisoned and how to maximize on your feelings of freedom.
Now to connect what you have learned about yourself and your <a href="" target="_blank" >visit more information</a> Soul Purpose to your potential client conversations. Here are tips to consider:
1. Our internal spiritual Source will provide what we need to thrive versus an external person being that Source. Trust that the Universe loves you and is supporting your highest good.
2. Our life is meticulously designed to teach and preen us to bring forth powerful gifts into our respective worlds. Our vigil is to remember that we are a gift just as we are.
3. Our tool kit to thrive and soar includes the inner wisdom of our Intuition. Take time to deepen your access to your intuition.
4. If a particular customer or client is not a fit, then let them go. The aligned clients and customers will appear in your lives at just the right moment according to Divine Timing.
5. A potential client or customer will clearly let you know through their “Yes” or “No” to your services and products whether or not they are on YOUR Soul Purpose path.
6. There is no failure or mistake. The discomfort of receiving a “No” to your business offerings can lead to your deeper, more loving relationship with yourself.
May today bring you greater harmony, excitement, and confidence about your Soul Purpose Brilliance.
May every “No” that you may hear from a potential client or customer resounds inside of you as your cue to embrace deeper aspects of yourself.
May every “Yes” that you hear from a potential client or customer resound inside of you as cause for celebration that you are honoring your Soul Purpose and compounding your Spiritual Independence to be your Authentic Self.