Self Defense For Women What You Need To Know

Self-Defense For Women – What You Need To Know

Self-defense for women is of the utmost importance in the world we now live in. Personally, I’m a strong proponent for everyone to learn at least basic self-defense, because all of us–not just women–are at risk of becoming the target in a life-threatening or scary attack. However, women just happen to be easier targets in general, and this is why I strongly encourage every woman to learn some basic self-defense techniques and to have a self-defense weapon that they will be comfortable using.

Why are females more at risk of most violent scenarios such as rape? The main reason is because they are better targets, in general, than men. Women are more petite in stature, less muscular, and they have a different hormone balance that leads them to be more nurturing and less violent naturally. If a man is choosing a dude target to assault, he usually chooses one smaller than he is. This is an overwhelming fact in violent crimes: A large, strong man chooses a petite, wimpy woman to victimize. Now you see why self-defense for women <a href="" target="_blank" >share more content</a> is so important.

However, the above statements also give women a clear advantage if they are ever confronted: Largely, men see no need to learn self-defense, or even how to fight correctly. Men feel no need <a href="" target="_blank" >mortal kombat x hack tool</a> to carry pepper spray, a stun gun, a Taser, or anything like that. Because of this, women have the ability to flip the tables on their assailants very easily. Your attacker won’t expect you to swiftly knee him in the crotch without hesitation and run to safety. He will be surprised when you calmly remove mace from your purse and empty it into his face. This element of surprise and more advanced technology and readiness can be the difference between becoming a victim and not.

Self-defense for women encompasses a vast range of items. You can already tell that, in my mind, the main two are 1) what you know (knowledge) and 2) what you have (technology).

1) I think it is plain ignorant for women to not have taken a basic self-defense class. Girl friends of mine have spent years taking salsa classes&26796;hich obviously is a great time&26769;ut they don’t consider taking a month or 2 of self-defense classes. I’ve trained in Krav Maga for three years now, but I know that just 10 basic classes would give anyone a huge jump start on their assailants, and make them much more prepared.

2) I still can’t understand why every girl on Earth doesn’t carry mace in her purse. This is one of the most basic self-defense products, costs about $10-$15, and isn’t any bigger than a stick of lip-stick. There are more advanced self-defense products like stun guns and Tasers, and complementary products such as personal alarms that can help protect a woman and make her more confident. Every father who cares about his little girl should buy a self-defense product for her.

The above may be a little controversial, and could possibly even come across as rude, but I <a href="" target="_blank" >more information</a> have learned that being this direct is necessary to convey the importance of self-defense for women.

Self-defense for women is so important for women to understand and take seriously. Once you break it down, the steps you need are simple, easy, and cheap: 1) Spend $50 on a few classes of a local self-defense class, and 2) spend $10 on some pepper spray or $300 on a Taser, carry it with you, and be ready to use it when necessary.

Be smart, be confident, and read more articles on self-defense for women. Do not become a victim. Protect Yourself.

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