Roommate Com: Four women in their early to mid twenties live

She is an example of the following tropes:Dance Sensation: Her skills as a dancer, coupled with very good songs helped her launch more than her fair share of popular beats throughout India. Distressed Damsel: Due to how things were in the era of films when she was most active, she often got these roles. However, she was noted as being among the first to start replica hermes actively subverting the trope. Pimped Out Dress: In many a role, but especially in Devdas, where she plays the High Class Call Girl Chandramukhi. Lately has taken to doing this in real life as well. Playing Against Type: Became famous in an era where all an actress had to do was look pretty and get saved by the hero. Played against the type by often ending up being the only thing the audience could remember about the film, either with her acting or with her dancing, showing up the Hero constantly. Codified many tropes in play with the Bollywood Heroines of today. She Really Can Act: Did the indie film Mrityurdand entirely to prove this. Those Two Guys: Often paired up with Shah Rukh Khan and Anil Kapoor in her movies, but also had the same chemistry even with leading men she worked less often with, such as Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt.

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