Questions and Answers About Marijuana and Colorado

<p>A lot of people were excited about Amendment 64, which is one of the Marijuana cultivations laws Colorado passed just recently.
Essentially, what Amendment 64 means for the good people of Colorado is that they can grow and use marijuana for recreational purposes. History was made once the Gov. John Hickenlooper signed the Executive Order.
Signing the Executive Order made it legal for citizens in the state of Colorado to use, possess, and grow <a href="" target="_blank" >mobile strike hack cheats</a> marijuana. Only adults 21 years of age and above are afforded this right.
Marijuana has had a huge amount of stigma. Many out people out there are probably wondering right now if this is all a joke. The type of people who have a lot of questions they would like to ask.
Here are some questions and answers regarding the Marijuana cultivation laws Colorado has just recently passed.
Q: Is pot legal or is this some sort of technical joke?
A: The answer to this question is rather complicated. It is legal for adults 21 years of age and above to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and grow six plants with a ratio of three mature plants and three immature plants.
That being said, it is still against federal law to possess, distribute or cultivate marijuana. Basically, virtually anything that has something to do with marijuana is still criminalized by federal law regardless of state law, which in this case is Colorado state law.
– Q: Is a license and/or registration necessary to hold or cultivate marijuana?
– A: This one is a simple no.
– Q: Are marijuana paraphernalia legal?
A: The answer to this question is, thankfully, a clear cut yes. The Marijuana cultivation laws Colorado has passed recently explicitly states that "…possessing, using, displaying, purchasing, or transporting marijuana accessories" is not considered a crime. Now federal law still makes it illegal to do everything that was just mentioned.
However, an attorney argued that Amendment 64 basically makes marijuana legal even under federal law in the wonderful state of Colorado. According to <a href="" target="_blank" ></a> the Controlled Substances Act, federal law does will not apply to people who are authorized by law, whether it’s local, State, or Federal law, in manufacturing, distributing, or possessing drug paraphernalia. Simply put, it is legal because Colorado law says so.
Q: When is it safe to smoke Marijuana?
A: It is fine to smoke marijuana anytime of the day so long as it is done in the right place.
Q: Where is it safe to smoke Marijuana?
A: The list of places where it is not okay to smoke marijuana is a much longer list than the list of place where it’s okay. Amendment 64 states that it does not permit the use of <a href="" target="_blank" >lords mobile cheats hack</a> marijuana that’s "… conducted openly and publicly or in a manner that endangers others."
This includes private buildings that where the owners do not allow marijuana use, public locations such as sidewalks, federal buildings, and so much more.
Basically, the only places where it’s okay to smoke marijuana are people’s private homes, rental apartments or dormitories are not included.
Q: Is it okay to cultivate Marijuana?
A: Yes it is okay to grow Marijuana in a private home owner’s own abode, although they are only limited to six plants.</p>