„Most towns and cities hold public fireworks displays for Guy

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<p>cheap ray bans A 12 year old girl who was severely burned by fireworks in a Guy Fawkes accident says people need to be sensible when they are playing with fire this week.The little girl raised her right arm in an attempt to protect herself. She was left with severe burns to her chest and wrist, and just below her left shoulder.Grace’s mum Dixie Neil, 51, was at home next door making a cup of coffee."I just heard this unrecognisable scream, and I looked up to see fireworks hitting the hedge next door. They were out of control.""But it depends on where I’m standing if I’m really close I’ll probably freak out, but if I’m far away, like in my room, I’ll be like ‚that’s pretty cool’."Her message to Kiwis letting off fireworks is simple don’t be an idiot."Not being drunk and letting off fireworks is probably the main point," Grace said.Stay inside watch the display from behind glass <a href="http://www.raybansaler.com/" target="_blank">http://www.raybansaler.com/</a>, and be more aware of what you are playing with."It’s literally fire."Camp AwhiGrace is one of a number of burn survivors aged between 7 and 17 who go to Camp Awhi.The five day camp, organised by the Burn Support Charitable Trust, is a free annual event every January where kids who have suffered burn injuries can "just be kids."On Friday the organisation is holding a charity night to raise funds for next year’s camp."Most towns and cities hold public fireworks displays for Guy Fawkes and other events," a statement from the EPA said."There are a number of rules in place to make sure these events are safe for the public so you can go to one of these to enjoy fireworks safely."If you decide to have fireworks at home, you can protect yourself and others by following some simple tips."EPA safety tips:Read and follow the instructions on the firework’s packaging cheap ray bans.

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