High minded actor Fred Graham is trying out his musical

It’s Baltimore, post World War II. High minded actor Fred Graham is trying out his musical version of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, starring as Petruchio opposite his ex wife Lilli Vanessi in the title role („Another Op’nin’, Another Show”). Fellow actress Lois Lane (Bianca) laments the behavior of chronic gambler Bill Calhoun (Lucentio), as Bill has signed Fred’s name to a large gambling debt („Why Can’t You Behave?”). Fred and Lilli reminisce about old times („Wunderbar”), but soon start to argue. Lilli realizes she still loves Fred („So In Love”), and when a bouquet of flowers from Fred (actually intended for Lois) arrives in her dressing room, she rejoices even more. The show opens with Fred, Lilli, Bill, and Lois onstage („We Open in Venice”), and continues with numbers by Lois and Bill („Tom, Dick, or Harry”), Fred („I’ve Come to Wive it Wealthily in Padua”) and Lilli („I Replica Hermes Belts Hate Men”). But things start to go awry when Lilli reads the note included with the bouquet, acting out onstage and forcing Fred to take matters into his own hands. By spanking her in front of the audience.

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