He HATES social interaction, but in the past four years he has

conradcml u

conradcml canadian goose jacket 1 point submitted 1 day canada goose coats ago

Your view of the part God plays in this is incorrect from the Biblical Canada Goose Coats On Sale standpoint. If God had not intervened, you would certainly not have any canada goose clearance chance, but He did. You have been presented canada goose with a way to avoid hell, through God work, Canada Goose Parka but you are choosing to ignore it. Essentially, the Bible teaches that you are sending yourself to hell canada goose clearance sale by not acknowledging the truth that is Jesus Christ came to help you out, not to condemn you. But you are choosing condemnation.

If I am right, which obviously I believe I am, it would be very hateful of me not to try and give you the truth. If I see someone about to run off of a cliff, cheap Canada Goose it would be canada goose coats on sale very wrong of me not to do everything within my power to get them to stop.

conradcml 5 points submitted 3 days ago

I 27 too! I a pastor in SC and I want you buy canada goose jacket cheap to know canada goose factory sale I have never spoken in tongues and there is nothing wrong with that. It doesn mean Canada Goose online I not saved, it doesn mean anything is wrong with me. It just means, God has buy canada goose jacket decided not to give me that gift. You need to find another church, man. They are not teaching what canadagooseparks God Word says. The only gift uk canada goose that really matter for you right now is the gift of salvation from your sins. canada goose uk shop We are all screwed up and canada goose Jesus is our only Canada Goose Outlet hope. As far as you being gay, God may never make you uk canada goose outlet not gay, but that doesn matter. Canada Goose sale What matters is that you believe in Him and you allow Him to change you from the inside out.

conradcml 1 point submitted 3 days ago

There a book titled „The Unlikely Disciple” about an Atheist who attended Liberty University just to write cheap canada goose uk about it. It gives some great canada goose black friday sale insight into that worldview and how they perceive us as Christians. I think it could give you some great thought about how to approach your roommate. In the meantime, make sure your actions follow your words. The way you live can have just as much of an impact on him as what Canada Goose Jackets you say. Also, Jesus was able to reach us because he showed us love through great personal sacrifice. God may call you to do the same so that your roommate can know that love as canada goose store well.

conradcml 1 point submitted 3 days ago

You totally can, but you be missing out on a lot of really great stuff Christ has for you. In 1 John, John writes about how fellowship completes his joy. I think we are all like that. God canada goose uk black friday intends for us to grow canada goose uk outlet nearer to Him as we grow with the Church. I know it will be scary and probably not a lot of fun for you at first, but that is part of growing in Christ. I have a kid in my youth group, I am a pastor, who has severe social anxiety. He HATES social interaction, but in the past four years he has grown to enjoy it at times. Canada Goose Online He still has to fight the fear every week, but he does it and he is growing in his faith. Also, the Bible teaches that love casts out fear. One way we experience God love is by being involved in the church.

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