BFS: The main feature of the Sword Striker pack

Scooby Stack: The ponies peering at Pinkie Pie the Pony of Shadows playing the organ. Screams Like a Little Girl: Applejack and Rainbow Dash let out high pitched shrieks when they first lay eyes on the Pony of Shadows, distinct from their usual deep and raspy screams, respectively. Security Cling: Everypony clings to Twilight Replica Birkins Hermes when they hear the Ominous Pipe Organ after regrouping. Shaggy Search Technique: How Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash find out about the secret passageways. Shaped Like Itself: „Retro ancient classical will be all the rage next season.” Shout Out: A hooded figure in the basement playing a pipe organ, and Twilight’s sneaking up to unveil it is evocative of The Phantom of the Opera (1925).

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Replica Hermes At the end of the pilot episode of Friendship is Magic, Pony Twilight chooses to stay in Ponyville to learn the same thing. Cool Bike: Both the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts have motocross bikes as part of the competition. Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer’s bikes correspond to their colors. Counterpoint Duet: „Unleash the Magic” ends with Twilight singing counterpoint to her Shadowbolts teammates against a backdrop of students from both schools cheering and Vice principal Luna and Dean Cadance announcing the beginning of the final event. Replica Hermes

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