Just after she leaves, the phone rings

Her friends finally convince her to go out for the evening on the 365th day. Just after she leaves, the phone rings. The worst part is that the person who convinced her was his sister, who caused his fear in the first place when they were kids. The Calls Are Coming from Inside the House: A story involves a babysitter repeatedly getting mysterious calls from a voice that asks „Have you checked the children?” that she eventually traces and then freaks out to find they are coming from a second line in the house.

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Hermes Belt Replica In one instance, Satan temporarily puts Nero in charge of Hell, and he is so insane and depraved that even the demons are disgusted. In one episode, Satan claims that not directly killing people is one of his two morals. There used to be three, but he got cynical. He never explicitly says what the other is, but he does mention at another point that he never possesses people who aren’t old enough to make moral choices. Another episode has Satan put Thomas in The Pit of Demons Who Are Too Violent Even For Hell. Everyone Calls Him „Barkeep”: The Professor’s name (Richard) is stated in the first episode and occasionally thereafter, but he is nearly always referred to simply as „the Professor”. Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: One of Satan’s defining character traits is his refusal to believe that humans can be good, and several episodes revolve around him trying to prove otherwise in some way. Thomas believes that anyone who uses a position of power to help others is only doing it for PR. He has claimed that Mahatma Gandhi arranged his own assassination so Richard Attenborough would make a movie about him and that Nelson Mandela’s whole life work was just done in the hopes of meeting The Spice Girls. Both times, even Satan is a little stunned. Thomas also considers „Maybe you shouldn’t kill your grandmother” to be a „strange thing” to tell someone. Played for Laughs. Evil Gloating: Satan loves to gloat. Especially when religious fundamentalists arrive. Several times, he’s made bets with the Professor where the prize is strictly gloating rights. Evil Laugh: Satan does it to be impressive. Thomas occasionally does it because he’s Thomas. Scumspawn tries, bless him. Thomas: Ooh! Do you mind if I join you in your evil laughter Hermes Belt Replica.

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