It’s still called a galaxy though

Mood Whiplash: Some of the silliest and darkest stories in the Witcher canon. A Little Sacrifice is especially notable, as it happens in story. Twice. Ferris to Blizzard’s lair. She finally goes back to the cops after finding out just what Blizzard wants Dr. Ferris to do to Allen. Wouldn’t Hit a Girl: Tex. Not even a man in a dress. Yellow Peril: The Emperor Yes Man: Short men with Stepford Smiles that wear hats with signs that says „Yes!”, and they always agree on their boss(es).. Rachel, to Mike, in the final scene of Season 2. Artistic License Law: New York State allows persons who are „reading the law” to take the bar exam. „Reading the law” means that rather than attending law school, the applicant has instead studied under a judge or practicing attorney for an extended period of time.

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