Keep An Open Mind To Learn And Improve Yourself

Keep An Open Mind To Learn And Improve Yourself

I read an old Zen story which I wanted to share with you.It is apparently very small and simple story but carries quite powerful message.

A young man wanted to learn the practice of Zen. He had read all the books he could find about Zen. Then he heard about a great Zen master who was considered very knowledged and wise. The young man requested and appointment with him to ask for teachings.

When they were seated, the young man proceeded to tell the master everything he had understood from his reading, saying that Zen is about this and Zen is about that, on and on…
The master listened paiently to every thing the young man talked about.After some time, when the young man had finished his part of telling, the master suggested that they have tea.

The Zen master performed the traditional tea ceremony while the student sat at attention, bowing when served, saying nothing. The master began to pour tea into the student’s cup. He poured until it was full, and kept pouring. The young man was watching with intent.

The tea ran over the edge of the cup and onto the table. The master kept pouring.

The young became restless.

The tea ran over the edge of the cup, on to the table and onto the floor. But the master kept pouring.

It was too much for the young man.Finally, the student could not conta