Focus Your Way to Success

<p>Focus . . . Focus . . . Focus . . . SQUIRREL!

I won’t lie to you… I get a bit distracted sometimes.. And it’s been this way for a long time.

I’m not afraid of <a href="" target="_blank" >shadow fight 2 hack online</a> saying "No" to new things, but I just LOVE to say YES!

New projects, new bright shiny objects, new directions, new-to-me books (I adore used book stores!), new musical instruments, new socks, new ideas, new videos . . .

You get the idea.

I have been blessed with enough financial wherewithal that I can treat myself to new things fairly often if they’re not too pricey, especially since I shop at thrift stores every day . . . or rather I used to shop there every day, before I started to focus on the Empower Network.

But more about that later.

Where’s the part about focus? Well. Let me tell you something.

I have such a backlog of things to enjoy, projects to do, and delightful areas of my life to maintain . . . It’s kind of a disaster. Not a heck of a lot of focus.

I found that I was floating along the top of my life. I was having a wonderful life, but somewhere along the line I had stopped "going deep" into different areas of my life. Part of the problem was that with a couple of moves, my mom dying, me getting married again, increased abundance, and <a href="" target="_blank" ></a> solidifying a teaching career, I had gotten disorganized on a deep level. Honestly, sometimes I don’t know where the "place for <a href="" target="_blank" >mortal kombat x hack tool online</a> everything and everything in its place" is! In my own house!

But something very VERY unusual has been happening to me in the last week.

I am learning to FOCUS. And I don’t mean that I’ve decided to focus. It’s something that’s just happening as I listen to the materials for the Empower Network, as I watch the videos, and as I spend time enjoying the tutelage of those in the EN Community. There is so much to learn, so many new ways of communicating online to try out, and yet it’s all focused toward EMPOWERMENT.

It’s a little difficult to explain the fundamental shift that is beginning to occur for me, but it is quite exciting. I made a commitment to blog for 100 days, and this is the seventh day in a row that I have written a blog.

That may not seem like a lot of focus to you, but it is about as significant as an earthquake moving the coast of Japan 8 feet and shifting the Earth’s axis 4 inches.

Which it did, by the way.

I’d like to encourage you to click on the various links and buttons and doodads here and listen to Dave Sharpe and Dave Wood, the co-founders of Empower Network. There are riches here for you, riches of many types.

I feel fundamentally different from who I was last week. That is BIG.

And if you’d like to hear the specific online skills I have learned in


Check back tomorrow for my next blog, and I’ll give you a run-down. It’s a VERY impressive list.

One last thing:

Two quotes from "Dave and Dave" about focus.

Let these really sink in:

"You have got to take action quickly. . . If you want to get results, when you learn something, start taking action immediately." – David Wood

"If you focus, . . .that’s when your life changes." -David Sharpe

Thanks for reading, and please remember to click, link, tweet, share, and comment. Enjoy your day!

All the best, all the time,</p>