Amazing Effects of Turmeric Curcumin

<p>The wonders and benefits associated with turmeric curcumin have greatly impact the health of many people. Not only as number one healing herb but also as an alternative medicine that has many healing properties.

Way back 5,000 years ago, people from India found out turmeric curcumin and have used it as a natural ayurvedic medicine due to its natural anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Ayurveda comes from the ancient Indian system meaning "ayur" life and "veda" as science or knowledge. The healing effects of the golden spice then reached China by 700 AD, and continued to the east and west Africa from 800 and 1200 AD respectively. Turmeric is sacred and important in <a href="" target="_blank" >fifa 15 hack online</a> the Hindu faith as it is used in weddings as well as an important tool for casting the evil spirits away.

Turmeric originates from the Curcuma longa (botanical name) which belong to the ginger family. Its main component which is the root has a great amount of curcuminoids. In line with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) curcuminoids is a chemical substance which consists of high natural antioxidant level. Turmeric is utilized in many therapeutic preparations in the world for both prevention and treatment of many diseases. It contains curcumin which is an active compound from the turmeric and has many beneficial effects in the body.

Health benefits of turmeric curcumin for:


Acts as anti-inflammatory

Inflammation is a natural response when bacteria invade the body, but when irregular inflammation triggers that lead into excessive pain, lump and irritation, turmeric supports to decrease the irritation. Curcumin is able to provide safe, natural pain killers that serves as a pain alternative.

Sharpens the memory

Turmeric is able to enhance the brain activity as a result of compound called turmerone. In accordance to the (stem cell research and therapy), turmerone also called ar-turmerone is the bioactive compound that able to give the necessary oxygen intake to the brain, and stimulates the new neurons which allow to process information and keeping us alert.

Helps Arthritis Management

Curcumin is known for its high anti-inflammatory effect and can reduce pain. According to the study conducted in 45 people with rheumatoid arthritis that are split into two groups, fisty percent with synthetic medications and the other consumed turmeric. The turmeric group showed a positive result in comparison to the other.


Reduce childhood leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer because of the abnormal growth of cells in the bone marrow. Turmeric is able to prevent the multiplication of cancer <a href="" target="_blank" >fifa 15 hack online</a> cells in the body as it is commonly known for its anti-cancer agents that destroy cancer cells. Additionally, it helps to minimize any harm to the chromosomes due to curcumin’s property.

Treat Cystic Fibrosis

Oral intake of curcumin that contain Ca-adenosine triphosphate would be in a position to correct the pattern of the DeltaF508 CFTR (deletion of the codon for phenylalanine) which results in the prevention in mutation of the cystic fibrosis.

Turmeric curcumin recommended dosage

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center the <a href="" target="_blank" >love this website</a> most appropriate dose for adults for different varieties of turmeric are as follows:

Cut root (fresh turmeric) – 1.5-3 grams each day

Dried root (form powdered turmeric) – 1-3 grams per day

Turmeric pills (supplements) – 400-600 mg, 3 per day</p>