Qualities of Leadership Reside in the Word Leader

<p>For most people the notion about being a leader is entwined with that of having followers. Right? Wrong! A leader is actually a follower and it matters little to him/her whether anyone else is following or not. Let me give you some examples.
Did you know, George Washington was actually having a very small clutch of people with him at the Delaware crossing and in the ensuing battles? But since they were all following a dream of liberty, and he displayed six qualities I will write about shortly, his status as leader is embossed in golden letters.
Likewise, Mother Teresa was following a will of God, to uplift the <a href="http://www.gta5hackcheats.top/gta5hack/" target="_blank" >check here</a> downtrodden and spread the message of love and peace. To her it was quite incidental that she impacted millions who follow.
Since network marketing is all about leadership (and this is a premise beyond the scope of this topic) let me share with you what LEADER means. This is my view, and in my simple brain the word has 6 letters each with a meaning.
L stands for Loyal. There can not be a leader who does not stand for (follow) something or someone. I think it was Mark Twain who said, ‚A person <a href="http://www.mobilestrikehackcheats.top/generator/" target="_blank" >mobile strike hack ios</a> who stands for nothing falls for anything’. Do you see such people around you? Will you see the same people five years hence? In my opinion, highly unlikely. As a reader you may not like this, but one thing leadership is not, is about being popular. Leaders do non-populist stuff… which is why there are so few. Think about it.
E is Ethical. Without ethics and integrity, any leader will collapse, no matter how big their organization got. Enron is a corporate example. Hitler in politics. You can think of others. Ethics is a cornerstone for leadership and true leaders create such cultures within their organizations, which ensure longevity for all concerned.
A is about being Active. Constant motion in the direction you are loyal to. Why do you see Washington’s statues on horseback? Because that’s how he was always seen… in readiness… inspiring activity. Not self-serving, couch-potato-ing and giving orders. Nope. That was what became of the Roman empire and therefore it collapsed. Real Leaders are active.
D is for Daring. A leader’s daring is several notches higher than the average person’s. It requires courage to pursue action without results. And that often happens with us. Do you dare go on? Do you follow your dream because you’re smart enough to know that if other people got there you can too? If yes, the passages will open themselves. No force can stop a man who knows where he is going. GE is the result of 10,000 failed attempts at the light-bulb by a man named Edison.
E is repeated because it is important to be Exemplary. Now we know that the world looks up to people who set a self-example. Who walk the talk. A leader’s primary responsibility is to be successful. If I didn’t play golf in my afternoons and have my passive income run my house, could I look you in the eye and tell you I am searching for the next serious entrepreneur who wants to become an internet marketing millionaire? But you may say, hello I’m new to this… how can I say that? And I will remind you, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Is your first step exemplary? Worthy of duplication?
Lastly, R represents Resilience. Knock the leader down 100 times and they will rise the 101st. My mentor says, a diamond is what comes of a piece of coal under loads of pressure. No one learns karate <a href="http://www.dragoncityhackonlines.top/" target="_blank" >www.dragoncityhackonlines.top/</a> without bashing bricks. Well, network marketing is karate for the mind. My site (link below) will just make it more effective, enjoyable and fast!</p>