Please note buyer is responsible for all taxes

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Bag Replica Handbags LengthUp to 13.5″Tan leather exterior with black and white hair on hide inlays, tooled detailing on leather bottom and sides. General vintage wear cheap replica handbags throughout on leather Wholesale Replica Bags scuffing, scratching, faint water marks, and uneven patina overall, several white streaks and small stains. Heaviest scuffing along edges and corners. A few spots of unraveled stitching. Crimping on strap. Short leather shoulder strap, crimping where adjuster was previously, rusting on hardware, some minor surface cracking on end of strap. Open top front and back pockets. No logos.

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We ship USPS Priority for most orders so you get your item FAST! Delivery confirmation is included. Certain smaller Replica Bags items may Fake Handbags be shipped first class. We do not charge a handling fee so you get the lowest rate! We can also ship less to most West coast residents, so please ask before checking out! We can also ship express mail if requested, but cannot make any guarantees for the Replica Bags Wholesale postal service on arrival time.

All orders are shipped KnockOff Handbags with Fake Designer Bags either USPS Priority or USPS First Class International, depending on delivery location and estimated shipping price. For the best price, please message us for an exact quote before purchase, and we will gladly change it. Please note buyer is responsible for all taxes, customs, and fees that may incur upon arrival. Certain countries may require registered mail for tracking purposes. We kindly ask our buyers to keep an eye on tracking once a package goes out. This ensures that buyers receive updates throughout the shipping process which may be important (delivery attempts, package being held, customs fees owed, etc). When customs fees are owed, the buyer may need to complete payment at their local post office before the package is turned over. Please contact us regarding any delays or other issues with delivery so we can help if needed. For first class international orders, it may take up to two months for package delivery in some rare cases, so we generally wait aaa replica designer handbags up until that point for any refunds with this type of shipping. If you would like to upgrade to priority international shipping, please just contact us! Thank you.

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