You will be responsible for all returned shipping charges

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We are more than happy to accept Paypal payments. If you are using paypal please be aware that we ONLY ship to the address provided with the paypal payment. Please do not ask us to ship Replica Bags Wholesale to a different address.

Etsy payment or Gift Card:

We are more than happy to accept Etsy payments and gift card payments. high quality replica handbags If you are using Etsy please be aware that we ONLY ship to the address provided with the Etsy payment. Please do not ask us to ship to a replica handbags china different address.

Money orders or Cashier Checks. Please contact us if you would like to make your payment using one of replica Purse these other methods.

We ask that payment be made within 7 days of purchase. If payment isn’t received by the 7th day the transaction will be canceled. If you are like it not happy with your purchase we will gladly take the item back and refund your purchase price less the shipping costs. We offer refunds within 5 days of the arrival of the item you purchased. This means you will need to contact us within 5 days of the delivery. We use delivery confirmation on all our items so that we know when items arrive safely in their new homes. We do not offer refunds for damaged items that did not purchase insurance. We Replica Handbags package your items very carefully purse replica handbags to insure safe travel; we highly recommend you purchase aaa replica designer handbags the insurance. Please inspect your item as soon as it arrives. If for some reason you are unhappy with the item, please contact us and let us know why. We will issue a return ID for your item. You will be responsible for all returned shipping charges. Returns are accepted with a return ID only. After item is returned we will refund the wholesale replica designer handbags price of the item ONLY but not shipping or handling charges. Refunds will not be given on damaged items but if insurance was purchased we will work with you to place a claim with the post office. Refunds will not be given on returned damaged items so please package your return items carefully.

Handmade Items: When returning a handmade item please make sure it is returned in the same package it was Replica Designer Handbags shipped in. All parts of the items are returned in the condition they arrived.

Supplies: When retuning a supply it needs to be EXACTLY returned as shipped (unopened and original packaging, unused).

Handmade Special Order Items: Returns are generally not accepted on these items. If you are not happy with your purchase we will gladly take Designer Replica Bags the item back and refund your purchase price less the shipping costs. We offer refunds within 5 days of the arrival of the handbagsmerchant item you purchased. This means you will need to contact us within 5 days of the delivery. We use delivery confirmation on all our items so that we know when items arrive safely in their new homes. We do not offer refunds for damaged items that did not purchase insurance. We package your items very carefully to insure safe travel; we highly recommend you purchase the insurance. Please inspect your item as soon as it arrives. If for some reason you are unhappy with the item, please contact us and let us Handbags Replica know why. We will issue a return ID for your item. You will be responsible for all returned shipping charges. Returns are accepted with a return ID only. After item is returned we will refund the price of the item ONLY but not cheap replica handbags shipping or handling charges. Refunds will not be given on damaged items but if insurance was purchased we will Fake Designer Bags work with you to place a claim with the post office. Refunds will not be given on returned damaged items so please package your return items carefully.

Handmade Items: When returning a handmade item please make sure it is returned in the same package it was shipped in. All parts of the items are returned in the condition Fake Handbags they arrived.

Supplies: When retuning a supply it needs to be EXACTLY returned as shipped (unopened and original packaging, unused).

Handmade Special Order Items: Returns are generally not accepted on these items. We ship our items in envelopes or boxes. We use delivery confirmation on all our items so we know when our item has arrived at its new home. KnockOff Handbags We make every effort to ship items within 1 5 business days of receipt of cleared payment. We do not ship on the weekends or US Holidays. We ship 1st class or parcel post whenever possible. If you need the item sooner please contact us BEFORE purchasing the item to make special arrangements. We are more than replica handbags online happy to ship sooner but there may be an additional charges. We also offer optional insurance. If you would like insurance placed on you item please contact us for a Wholesale Replica Bags quote. We are not responsible for items without insurance purchased.

Inside USA Shipping Info:

All shipping charges are stated on each item. We Replica Bags do offer discounted shipping Designer Fake Bags charges when more than 1 item is purchased this is also stated and will be applied at time of check out. We ship our items in envelopes or boxes. We use delivery confirmation on all our items so we know when our item has arrived at its new home. We make every effort to ship items within 1 5 business days of receipt of cleared payment. We do not ship on the weekends or US Holidays. We ship 1st class or parcel post whenever possible. If you need the item sooner please contact us BEFORE purchasing the item to make special arrangements. We are more than happy to ship sooner but there may be an additional charges. We also offer optional insurance. If you would like insurance placed on you item please contact us for a quote. We are not responsible for items without insurance purchased.

Inside USA Shipping Info:

All shipping charges are stated on each item. We do offer discounted shipping charges when more than 1 item is purchased this is also stated and will be applied at time of check out.

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