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Mormon faith may hurt Romney in primaries

CHICAGO (Reuters) Mitt Romney canada goose store Mormonism could hurt the buy canada goose jacket Republican candidate with evangelical voters in his fight for party presidential nomination, but those voters would favor him over President Barack Obama in the general election, a poll released Wednesday concluded.

Republican presidential candidate former Massachusetts Governor Mitt cheap Canada Goose Romney takes the stage at the start of the CNN GOP National Security debate in Washington, November Canada Goose Jackets 22, 2011. REUTERS/Jim Bourg

Some 15 percent Canada Goose Outlet of evangelical Christians, a key constituency in the Republican presidential nomination battle, say they are wary of Mormonism and will not vote for Mitt Romney, the poll found.

But those same voters were canada goose clearance sale more likely to favor the former Massachusetts governor, a Mormon, in the November 2012 general election over canada goose coats President Barack Obama, whom they dislike more, the canada goose clearance Pew Research Center poll conducted November 9 14 Canada Goose Online goose sale said.

do see the potential for Romney Mormonism to have an impact on the Canada Goose Parka primary campaign, said Pew research 2018 canada goose outlet Greg Smith.

who think Mormonism is not a Christian religion are more reticent about Romney and his candidacy. At the same time canada goose outlet store locations those people are the Canada Goose Coats On Sale people who are the strongest critics of Barack Obama. Fully 92 Canada Goose online percent of them say they have an unfavorable view of Obama, he said.

Nearly two out of three white evangelical Christian voters in the poll did not believe Mormonism is a Christian religion and 15 percent of evangelicals would not support Romney.

Evangelical Christians canada goose outlet toronto factory may account canada goose deals for 60 percent of the votes cast in two canadian goose jacket of the canada goose replica first four Republican nomination contests, the January 3 Iowa caucuses and the January 21 South Carolina primary. House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich with 16 canada goose black friday sale percent.

While Gingrich has risen in recent national polls and Cain has fallen, Romney has maintained support in the low to mid 20s, near the top of the pack.

In the overall poll of 2,001 adults, which had a 3 point margin of error, 50 percent had a favorable view of Obama, 38 percent viewed Romney favorably, 33 percent had a favorable view of Gingrich, 31 percent liked canada goose coats on sale Cain and 25 percent had a favorable view of Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Nearly nine of Canada Goose sale 10 Republican voters either did not know or did not care that Romney is a Mormon.

Half of likely Republican voters in the poll said Mormonism was canadagoosejacketsaleca a Christian religion, and one third did not think so.

Romney did better in a head to head matchup with Obama than any of the other Republican candidates.

The fast growing Mormon religion, formally known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith buy canada goose jacket cheap and is based in Utah. Mormons have three books of scripture other than the Bible, including the Book of Mormon which Mormons believe was translated from golden plates discovered by Smith. Their views depart from Christianity in several respects canada goose.

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